After Fjordlands, we were off to the west coast. As anything we do on this trip, it took us a couple of days. It was very nice, with a stop in Kingston, and another along Haast Pass.
There wasn’t a lot of picturesque sights, since it was kinda rainy. We did stop and see every single water fall coming over the pass though.

I have really been enjoying the West Coast. Our first stop was a camp at Gillespies Beach, where we began to learn how to deal with the sand flies a bit better. Completely cover yourselves with clothing, and deet.

We made it to Hokitika, and spent just the right amount of time shopping, museum going, looking at the local green stone jewelry, and eating ice cream. Our objective was to paddle the Hokitika Gorge. A very small water way with some very blue water. Most people that paddle it, come from way upstream and paddle some pretty intense Class 4 and 5 rapids to get there. Everyone else walk about a quarter mile to look in. We made our tour.