It was pretty crazy that both Barb and I slept ok, the night before we took off on a nine week trip. We were just prepared enough, or it’s just been so long that we have been planning, there wasn’t much left to worry about.

We still gave ourselves plenty of time at the airport. ABQ Sunport’s overhaul is coming along quite nicely. There are restaurants and shops again. I think 9/11 was the last time you could get anything besides a breakfast burrito at the airport.

Time went fast, got some steps in, and we were on our way to SFO before we knew it.

The “Sky Couches” on Air NZ are well worth the extra price. What you end up with is the third seat in your row for cheaper than another ticket. The bottom pops up, and turns the whole thing into a medium sized dog bed. If my wife hadn’t married a giant that was made from spare elbows and knees, she may have stood a chance of being comfortable. Instead? I can honestly say it was more room than we would have had.

Tale of the tape – 7431 miles travelled (according to Google)
26 hours door to door
44 hours between beds, human beds.
Brushed my teeth four times, didn’t floss once.
Pro Tips:
✱ Sky couch – worth it
✱ Ear plugs in addition to noise cancelling headphones – worth it
✱ Hest Pro Travel Pillow – even though ridiculously expensive was the only travel pillow that could hold my giraffe neck and basketball head up. Barb used hers like a regular pillow.
✱ Compression socks – Worth it
✱ Selling your business and traveling – Amazing!