Got up after our first sleep in a bed in, did I say it had been 44 hours? Barb and I can be pretty delicate about sleeping in a bed that’s not too firm, not too soft. Since we were thankful that we had a bed at all – sleep came for us hard.

Since I am so awesome, it was obviously super easy driving on the left side of the road for the first time in my life. After a little experience driving in the city, we headed straight into the country. My understanding is that Akaroa Bay is the crater of the volcano that formed Banks Penisula. The roads all over this peninsula take my new driving experience, and turn it up to eleven. They are steep, super twisty, vertigo inducing, narrow goat tracks of a road. Super fun when you are just trying to keep your left wheels off the non-existent shoulder. Barb, of course, is a super helpful, and calm passenger who makes new driving experiences like this very calming with constant encouragement like, “look out!!!” And, “Jay, Jay, Jaaaaay,” and her favorite way to calm me is by suddenly, and for no apparent reason, to grab the dash, and take a sharp inhalation as she fills her lungs with what is surely the last time she will experience the sweet taste of life.
I spent a lot of time getting out of the way of the little old grammas who zip around on these roads like they were nothing. They were such dears, the little “beep beeps” that they gave me as I yielded the lane wasn’t only, their little way of saying “thank you,” but also their way of telling me that they know it’s tough, and that I’m doing a really good job for someone in a rental van from another country.
I would also be remiss if I didn’t mention that Google almost took us down a crazy four wheel drive road to our campsite. We almost went for it, but were luckily stopped from attempting it by a local who pointed us to the correct route. He also told me I was doing a good job.
Anyway, we didn’t get many pictures taken on the drive over.

We spent the evening unpacking and getting nested. The question was finally answered about whether we brought too much stuff. Nope! Even though the van guy was a little shocked by all that we had brought across the ocean, it all fit perfectly.
After a simple breakfast, we headed into Akaroa, a very charming little town on the water.

Off to Okain’s Bay!